United States Government Publishing Office


PTAB-TDRMS 0002United States Government Publishing Office
Address732 North Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 20401, USA
ScopeThe scope of the audit is limited to the operations, development, procedures, policies, and digital preservation activities directly associated with the Organizational Infrastructure, Digital Object Management, and Infrastructure and Security Risk Management as these aspects pertain to FDsys/govinfo, a content management system, preservation repository, and public access website.
Designated CommunityThe Designated Community for the system includes staff in Federal depository libraries, the United States Senate, the House of Representatives, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, and the Office of the Federal Register. Members of the Designated Community are familiar with the organizations, documents, publications, and processes of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States Federal Government. The Designated Community is able to access content information from the system and render it electronically.
Contact personDavid Walls
DesignationContracting Officer’s Representative
Valid from28 Dec 2018
Valid up to27 Dec 2024 subject to annual Surveillance audits.
Latest surveillance audit passed 17 Dec 2022.
Certification standardISO 16363:2012