Application for pre-assessment The pre-assessment is a way for you to find out what weaknesses of your repository are with respect to digital preservation. This is essentially an ISO 16363 Stage 1 audit of your repository. There is no commitment to proceed any further with a full audit. The cost is 5000 GBP. Name of Organisation seeking audit (required) Address (or addresses if multiple sites) (required) Name of legal representative (required) Job title (required) Email (required) Website (required) Telephone (required) Scope of pre-assessment (required) Please provide as much detail as you can, such as: a) physical location(s) (required) b) organizational units c) activities (required) d) processes (required) e) number of different types of digital objects being preserved e.g. formats, disciplines, semantics etc(required) 1-3031-100101- -- examples of types of digital objects f) designated community(ies)(required) g) regulatory and legal environment(required) h) languages(required) General description including activities, human and technical resources, functions and relationship in a larger corporation, if any(required) Outsourced processes used by the organization that will affect conformity to requirements (if any) Consultancy used by the systems to be audited in the last 2 years and by whom (if any) Other certifications held or being sought (if any) Restrictions on information which cannot be made available for review by the audit team because they contain confidential or sensitive information (if any) Any further information which you think may be relevant Please leave this field empty. Please confirm you are human by clicking on the following and answering the simple maths question. I am a human 7+9=? Δ Share this:TweetEmailWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...